A Christmas Eve Screed

In a Christmas movie I watched tonight, a wife accuses her husband of ‘overcompensating’ as he insists that their kids’ Christmas experience be fantastic. Immediately afterward, the plot makes him face his Scrooge of a father, Robin Williams playing against character.

The wife could have been speaking to me as I, too, work hard to assure that Christmas will be fantastic. I do it for our kids, but also for the kid in me. In addition, each year, I work hard to ascertain the true meaning of Christmas; more specifically, why do I, as an atheist, celebrate Christmas as a spiritually transformative experience.

Some parts of the answer are clear - light in all its myriad forms at the holidays, childhood joy, hope, family, tradition - these are all factors in both Christmas and Chanukah. Some parts of the answer lie beyond my grasp, but that in itself is a reason I keep celebrating- to keep reaching for the answer.

This year I will add ‘magic’ to the list of answers. Not sleight of hand nor mystical magic, rather the unseen, unspoken spark that passes between us at these holiday times. The magical spark that sustains the light in each of us. The spark that is passed down from parent to child. From me to my children.

The mythology of Santa and the dreidels at Chanukah both serve this purpose- to pass the spark to the next generation. This is the part of the true meaning of Christmas, a truth that transcends our differences. We are meant to discern our meanings, to ascertain our truths and teach their magic to our children.

However you celebrate this holiday season, whatever you believe, whatever meaning it brings to your life, may it shine clear and bright for you and yours. May the magic that keeps the spark alive, that passes it from you to loved ones, may that magic be with you always.

Whether I say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, may you feel the magic and warmth of the love from whence the message comes.


To you and yours, as we transition from the winter solstice to the New Year, I and my family wish you magic!



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