Holiday Letter 2022 Field-Harris Family

Warmest greetings to our family and friends from Michael and Lenora, We extend our most sincere holiday greetings knowing this will get to you very late in the holiday season (or early in the New Year. Honestly, we did think of you somewhere in there between the turkey leftovers and the ball dropping!) As we strive to extend the joy and blessings of the holidays throughout the year, hopefully the timing of this missive will not be an issue. Those who complain will be remembered in the airing of the grievances during Festivus 2023! 2022 was a _______ year! Fill in your own choice of adjective, invective, or expletive and it will probably apply to our year also as this was a roller coaster year, one with a lot of ups and some precipitous downs. Michael wrote a piece titled “The River Runs”* (more on that later) which starts off as a peaceful trip floating on an inner tube down a tranquil river. Soon the river hits rocks and the raft is buffeted by a stretch of rapids. ...